CONICAL TWIN SCREW EXTRUDERS – new improved series

We are glad to present a new Conical Twin Screw Extruder line featuring European gearboxes supplied by Zambello, Italy. A wider process window is achieved through higher safety factors, an extended lifetime cycle and higher output using improved screw geometries. The Extruders are manufactured at our factory in Malaysia giving you the advantage of high quality at competitive prices. The following three extruders are available:

HMG C53Z output for PVC pipes up to 180 kg/h, PVC profiles up to 140 kg/h

HMG C65Z output for PVC pipes up to 320 kg/h, PVC profiles up to 240 kg/h

HMG C80Z output for PVC pipes up to 470 kg/h, PVC profiles up to 350 kg/h

Several options are available for the screw execution: either nitrided, molybdenum coated or bimetallic. The barrel is available with nitrided and/or bimetallic execution. Control panels are available as either touch screen or conventional type with branded electrical parts.

Take advantage of our flexibility to give you the best processing technology that fits your needs.

If you need any additional info please do not hesitate to contact us.



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